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Frequently Asked Questions

Are the students required to wear uniforms?
Yes, all students are required to wear school uniforms and adhere to a dress code.

How do Wilson Hall's SAT scores compare to those of other schools in the area?
With an average SAT score of 1339 for the top 25% of the class and a top score of 1480 (1168 average for the entire class) for the Class of 2024, Wilson Hall's average scores are well above the local, state and national averages and are the highest in Sumter County. Every student is required to take the SAT at least twice.

How do Wilson Hall students perform on standardized tests?
Every student in kindergarten - 8th grade takes the Iowa Achievement Test, a nationally normed test, each spring. The following are the 2024 average national percentiles for Wilson Hall: language - 82nd, math - 77th, and reading - 77th. In interpreting these scores, Wilson Hall students scored in the top 18% in the nation, on average, in language, the top 23% in math, and the top 23% in reading.

What percentage of Wilson Hall graduates are accepted to college?
All of our graduates must be accepted to a four-year college or university to graduate, so the answer is 100%. The 59 members of the Class of 2024 were accepted to 46 different colleges and universities. In addition, 95% of the graduates received a merit-based scholarship, garnering $4.9 million in scholarship offers.

What kind of colleges and universities grant acceptance to a Wilson Hall graduate?
The type of colleges that our alumni attend is as varied as the alumni themselves. Graduates attend Ivy League schools such as Harvard and Penn as well as other top-ranked universities such as Georgetown, U.S. Naval Academy, and West Point. While many graduates attend the fine public institutions in our state, such as Clemson and USC, they also attend leading out-of-state schools like NYU, Southern California, Virginia, and Wake Forest. To see a list of the 80 colleges and universities where our alumni are currently attending school, please click the link: Alumni at College

Can Wilson Hall students receive college credit while still in school?
Yes, with our Advanced Placement program that gives students the opportunity to take a nationally standardized test to receive college credit. Wilson Hall offers 22 courses in which students may take the AP Exam, more than any school in the area. Each class is taught at the college level and is audited by the College Board to ensure rigor and adherence to college level curriculum standards. Nearly all colleges and universities in the United States grant credit and placement for qualifying AP scores. Eighty-three percent of Wilson Hall students passed at least one exam in 2023, well above the global passing rate of 60%, and 101 students passed at least one exam. Because of their exceptional performance on the exams, 42 students were recognized by the College Board as AP Scholars. With over half of our graduates earning college credit through AP Exams, it is evident that a Wilson Hall education is an investment with a tangible return.

Does the school offer before-school/after-school care?
The school does offer after-school care until 6:00 PM for Wilson Hall students enrolled in PS3-6th. Before-school care is available from 7:00-7:45 AM for students in PS3-5th. The after-school care program is available during the summer months from 7:45 AM-5:45 PM for students in rising PS3-6th. For more information, click on the links: 
After School Care 
Before School Care
Summer Care

What are the sizes of the classes? 
To ensure a close relationship between students and teachers, Wilson Hall has a policy that limits class size. The preschool classes are limited to 12 students, the kindergarten, first and second grade classes are limited to 20 students, the third and fourth grades are limited to 21 students, and the fifth-grade classes are limited to 23 students. Because they have a wider variety of classes from which to choose, the middle and upper school classes can range in size from 4 to 24 students. Keep in mind that, since the school screens its students for academic ability, all students in a class are taught at the same level.

Does the school provide transportation for its students? 
While the school does provide transportation for field trips, extracurricular and athletic events, the school does not provide transportation to and from school for its students.

Are new students and families easily accepted? 
Nearly one-third of each year's graduating class has attended Wilson Hall since preschool, which makes for a very stable, cohesive student body. New students, however, are always welcomed and are made to feel a part of the Wilson Hall Family immediately. Approximately 19% of the student body consists of students whose parents are affiliated with the military, so Wilson Hall is always welcoming new students coming from all parts of the country and the world. 

Does Wilson Hall have any religious affiliation? 
No, Wilson Hall is an independent school. While a vast majority of our students and faculty are Christian, there are students who represent each of the major religions in the world, and these students are encouraged to express their beliefs as well. Wilson Hall does have daily devotion and prayer each morning, and it does have prayer before all special programs and events. Students participate in a regular chapel program which focuses on developing positive character traits with a faith-based perspective. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes for high school students and First Priority, a Christian outreach organization for middle school students, both hold weekly Bible studies on campus.

Our Faculty

Wilson Hall is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools and Cognia, a global accreditation organization, and our teachers must have either certification by the state or teach in the area of their college major. Wilson Hall teachers have an average of 22 years of experience, with an average of 10 years at Wilson Hall.