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Elementary School

In order to provide a strong foundation, grades 1-5 concentrate heavily on the basics: reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, language arts, grammar, and mathematics. Social studies and science round out the curriculum, and technology is incorporated into learning through provided Chromebooks. Students are encouraged to collaborate with classmates, think critically, develop written and verbal communication skills, and develop their creativity through projects. 

Students visit the art studio, library, music studio, gymnasium, and technology lab for classes taught by specialized teachers each week. All students visit the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math laboratory for hands-on learning projects. 

Lower school classes are self-contained, except for the fifth grade that has three teachers who specialize in particular academic areas, and lower school students have their own building and playground. Because of the very low teacher to student ratio, students are able to receive individual attention in a positive learning environment. The school day for grades 1-5 is from 8:10 AM–2:10 PM. 

Our faculty skillfully support student learning while providing appropriate and carefully considered accommodations within the classroom setting. Extraordinary academic programs for students with special needs are not available. 

Eddie Talley
Head of Lower School


Ashley Melton
Lower School Administrative Assistant