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Student Support

Director of Academics

In order to promote the academic success of students, the Director of Academic assists with the following:

  • academic counseling
  • class scheduling
  • monitoring student progress
  • Advanced Placement Exams and Iowa Achievement Testing
  • arranging parent/teacher conferences
  • records requests for student transfers to and from Wilson Hall.
Susan Barfield
Director of Academics
Teresa Alexander
Assistant Director of Academics

College Counselor

Sarah Smith
College Counselor

The College Counseling office assists with the following:

  • scheduling college testing (ACT and SAT)
  • college application process
  • applications for college scholarships
  • conferences with parents & students regarding college process 
  • organizing college representative visits 
  • coordination of special services with the College Board
  • requests for transcripts for Wilson Hall graduates.

School Counselor

Day Caughman
School Counselor

The school's counselor, who is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a National Certified Counselor, provides a variety of services for our students. Consulting and collaborating with parents, teachers and administrators to best serve the student population, the School Counselor offers the following:

  • individual and group counseling for students
  • coordination of services for students with medical and learning needs
  • classroom guidance lessons for students in PS-5 each month
  • military student support programs
  • annual parent seminars
  • monthly parent newsletter.

Military Support Program

Day Caughman
Military Family Liaison

In collaboration with the PTO, Wilson Hall provides support and appreciation to our military families and, especially, our students. Mrs. Day Caughman, School Counselor, is the faculty point of contact for military students and families. 

Support and Resources
-Provide individual, group, and family counseling as helpful. 
-Provide a list of resources for military families to access locally and nationally.

Month of the Military Child (April) 
-Honor Military Children during April “Month of the Military Child” with a Purple Up day where students wear purple on the national day (notes, emails, announcements, photos and posters).
-Provide purple ribbons to faculty and students on purple up day. 
-Produce art projects during lower school art class honoring military children and bulletin board displays.
-Posters around school during April.
-Highlight in the Whole Baron Newsletter with resources. 
-Send ideas to teachers to incorporate in their classrooms as appropriate. 
-Maps with push pins on which students indicate where they have lived.

Deployed Family Support
-Bi-monthly updated record of students with deployed parents. Teachers and school are informed of these families as appropriate and offered support by both teachers and faculty/support staff. 
-PTO sponsored goodie bags for students with deployed parents.

Peer Connection and Support
-Create a system with students who volunteer as peer mentors as needed. Allow students to volunteer as mentors, at least one in lower, middle and high school.
-Provide opportunities for mentors to meet with students for support. 

Military Appreciation 
Each fall a varsity football game is designated for Military Appreciation.

PTO Representation
The Military Representative serves a one-year term on the PTO Board of Directors. 

Military Family Resources

Military OneSource: Military OneSource is by your side with support and resources for every step of your parenting journey.  This comprehensive website provides guides, benefits, resources, products, articles, and access to expert guidance for military families. Follow the link for more information: Military One Source

Shaw Air Force Base / Military Family Support Center: Military OneSource provides specific resources to Shaw Air Force Base.  Follow the link for more information: Shaw Air Force Base

Military Child Education Coalition:  MCEC supports all military-connected children by educating, advocating, and collaborating to resolve education challenges associated with the military lifestyle. This website extensively addresses education related topics for military children. Follow the link for more information: Military Child for US Military and Their Families: No cost, online tutoring and homework help 24/7. Follow the link for more information: Military Tutor

Military Support / City of Sumter: Access local resources, partnerships, and guides local to our Sumter Community. Follow the link for more information: Sumter Military Support

Force Support / 20th FSS / Welcome to Shaw: Force Support provides for the physical, cultural, and social needs and general well-being of military members and their families, providing community support systems that make Air Force bases hometowns for a mobile military population. Follow the link for more information: Force Support